How to Play Baseball Drinking Games Now

Our wallets aren’t ready for baseball season, but our livers sure are, am I right?

Baseball isn’t like other sports where you can take a shot every time a team scores. So how do you party it up at the ol’ baseball diamond?

Everything unopened? Clearly fun was had by all here.

With baseball, you have to be a little more creative! Like take a shot every time a bat is swung. Strikes, foul balls, practice swings, time to party! (Be careful, though!)

Don’t forget about high school and elementary school sports! You can probably get pretty soused at a coach-pitch or t-ball game. Don’t know who either of the teams are? That’s okay, just pick a color you think is cool. If you like blue, then root for whichever little kids are wearing blue uniforms. Easy peasy!

You can’t officially bet on kids’ games with Draft King or Cash Flusher. That would be so wrong! But if you and your pals get together for a game with some brewskis, and a Hamilton or a Jackson changes hands, your accountant will never know! You can still get your gambling fix, drink a cold one, and hang out with your buds! Just like real MLB baseball, only the players are smaller and can’t hit a stationary ball.

See, MLB? We can still get our baseball fix without you, so take your time on the lockout!

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